This Is From Matilda

June 25, 2020

This is my first time ever publicating anything online like this. I am nervous and terrified this may not be for me.
The truth is, I have lacked a work ethic. It's not something someone can easily admit to, or even wants to admit to,

but honesty is truly one of the most crucial traits of growth. I have never really been truly honest until recently. In fact, I have come to

see honesty as something so vital to me in my life that any time I do not tell the truth, I instantly become overwhelmed with remorse and this strong

desire to be open, completely vulnerable to unpleasant outcomes, and honest with myself and others.

I really do hope this blog can help me in the long-term, that this is truly the end of a long series of bad decisions, toxic behaviors, and instability. May

this truly be the beginning of the end, and the start of something new.

Like Leon The Professional Cleaner, I was a plant with no roots, without anyone to really show me the way, or to inspire me to become a better person.

Well, now I have someone. He's far away and I don't know for how long he'll be around, but I hope he sticks around for a really. really long time so that we may help

eachother in watering our roots because after everything, we both deserve to bloom -- together and individually.

To my best friend, this is for you.

This is from Mathilda.